M. D. Fox Elementary School, "Multicultural Window to the World"











 Dr. Michael D. Fox Elementary School will be part of a school community designed to foster a child-centered environment, which maximizes the academic and social potential of each child.  Our entire school community will share in the development of a safe and nurturing environment, a respect for cultural diversity, and responsible citizenship.  Collaboratively, we will promote life-long learning to increase the likelihood that all students will reach their full potential.


Mission Statement
"Kid Speak"

The mission of Dr. Michael D. Fox School is to help us learn the golden rule.
To solve our problems in many ways and  help us get a job that pays.
Mathematics, reading too, hey - let's see what we can do.
Teachers help us read and write so when we get to college we'll do it right.
Conversation for information - it's all a part of our education.
Don't be a cheater - be a reader - think before you act to be a reader.
Cooperation is the foundation, share what's in your imagination - It doubles our ability for creation.
To help us become better people, don't do things that are illegal.
The vision of our mission is to help us make the right decisions. 

The mission of Dr. Michael D. Fox Elementary School is to facilitate learning for our students in the critical thinking skills and problem-solving strategies that will empower them to become life-long learners and respectful, responsible citizens.  Our purpose is to produce highly literate, mathematically competent students equipped with effective oral and written communication, and proficient analytic and quantitative skills.  We foster a child-centered environment to develop the artistic and physical potential of our students, to nurture the health and well being of all individuals, and promote the appreciation and understanding of our multi-ethnic community within a safe and orderly school.  Applying research-based practices, we strive to provide our students with an enriching, dynamic multicultural education designed to prepare them to meet the challenges of living productively in an ever-changing global society.



M. D. Fox Elementary School, 470 Maple Ave., Hartford, CT, (860) 695-3600

Last Updated:

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